Nehemiah Teams Gap Year 2023
Hello Friends and Family,
Ever since my life was changed by Jesus Christ, I have had a deep desire to love others and serve them the best that I can. Back in 2020, I felt called to join in on a mission trip with my church to Kenya. This meant that funds needed to be raised, medical information needed to be worked out, and many other details needed solving. However, all of that came to a halt when COVID-19 hit. While I was greatly disappointed that I would miss out on an amazing life-changing trip, I knew that I would have opportunities in the future to revisit this form of mission. And finally, I now have that opportunity again through Nehemiah Teams.
Nehemiah Teams is a gap-year program that will begin in August with a 3-month Advance Operations Training (AOT) in the Philippines. After this phase of training, I will spend the next three months on two different deployments in two other Asia Pacific countries. And finally, during the spring semester, I will fill a five-month Hands On assignment to another Asia Pacific country. During this deployment I will be partnering with different mission teams, coming alongside them in serving their community and spreading the love of the Gospel with all those I meet.
This trip will change many facets of my life: opening my eyes as I experience cultures and growing me as I personally dive deeper into my faith. I cannot express how excited I am to undergo this one-year trip. However, I do face some difficulty financially. To be fully funded, I need to raise $12,000 dollars by December 1st for the year-long program.
Over this summer, I plan to earn as much money as I can, but I still can’t do this alone. As I begin this journey, I urge you to consider coming along side me in any way you can. Whether that be financial in donating money for this trip (one time donation or monthly support), in prayer, or just reaching out in support, I will be thankful for it all! I appreciate your consideration and I look forward to sharing pieces of this experience with you as I embark on this life-changing adventure.